
Background Update Tester Check WordPress Auto-Update Compatibility

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WordPress 3.7 was released couple of days back, and one of the major changes in this new version of WordPress is automatic update. With 19% of world’s website powered by WordPress, this new feature is undoubtedly a relief to all WordPressor out there, but at the same time it will also bring lot of headache to many. I have talked about How to update WordPress earlier, and always recommended to take a complete backup of WordPress blog before updating your WordPress. In my 4 year of WordPress experience, I have noticed many issues with WordPress update like:
  • Theme or plugin compatibility
  • Issues with WordPress stuck in maintenance mode
  • Blank WordPress issues and few more
These are some of the most common issues which you will also find people complaining after every new WordPress release. Another major issue with WordPress update is your hosting company, as many of us are using Windows hosting (WordPress works best with Linux hosting such as Bluehost or Hostgator), and your WordPress directory might not have proper permission to auto-update to new version. This may lead to incomplete update, and you will notice your WordPress blog being stuck at maintenance mode.
If you are using all updated version of WordPress themes, plugins and your hosting company is compatible with WordPress, in 99% of the cases, you will not have any problem. But, if you want to be sure that your WordPress installation is compatible with WordPress automatic update feature,  WordPress team has launched a new plugin call Background update tester.

WordPress Official plugin : BackGround Update Tester

This plugin is compatible with stand alone WordPress installation, and also with WordPress MU. All you need to do is, install WordPress Update tester plugin, go to Dashboard → Update Tester screen and check if your blog is fully compatible with WordPress automatic update. Here is the result of the test which I run on my WordPress blog:
Wordpress Automatic Update
Over all,  WordPress 3.7 version will be fixing major issues with WordPress hacking, as in future your blog will be updated to latest version (fixing bugs, and security holes), and withnew password meter, it will help you or new user to create complex passwords.
Go ahead, try WordPress background update tester plugin, and ensure if your blog is compatible with automatic WordPress upgrade or not. If not, do let me know which error you are seeing, and I will help you find a solution to your problem. Don’t forget to join WpfreeSetup on Facebook for more updates.


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